As standard

  • Easily request calls online 24/7/365
  • Receive one email with clear and simple call instructions – one path for speakers, another for participants
  • Pre call check in with operator 48hrs before your call

Optional services

  • A Dry Run can help you to prepare for a critical call, test an in-room a/v setup, and plan for success
  • A Recording Session will produce a polished, edited audio file – whether you need to pre-record a single speaker or the entire call 

Optional features

  • When you need to gate access to a set list of callers but also want scalability and speed, choose an Invitation-only call with PIN-based dialing
  • If you want to know who’s planning to come, who’s called in, and who came, Registration with PIN-based dialing gives you that, along with real-time reporting
  • Hosting a recurring call? A Series can provide participants with easy access using the same phone number and access code every time

As standard

  • Private pre-conference for speaker sound check and run-of-show review
  • Operator dial-out to speaker(s)
  • Customizable call script
  • Pre-call hold music for attendees
  • Request a Roll Call readout of participants
  • Voice-trained operator emcees call and moderates Q&A 
  • International access from more than 150 countries
  • Lecture (broadcast) or interactive call modes

Optional services

  • Play your custom hold music and/or pre-call announcements
  • Support a call with a global audience using dedicated Language Bridges and/or Interpretation Services
  • Operator-Assisted Dial-in 

Optional features

  • Access our visual conference monitor to view your callers and question queue, and live chat with your operator
  • Connect your on-location a/v support directly with our operator for real-time coordination via a comm line
  • Facilitate smaller group interaction with Breakout Sessions
  • Capture participant feedback with Voting & Polling

As standard

  • Your operator will deliver an Attendance Report by email immediately following your call
  • Reports are downloadable from .csv format for easy import and/or manipulation

Optional services

  • Request a Written Transcript – prepared and QA’ed by a professional transcriptionist 
  • Enable global stakeholders with transcript Translation
  • Editing Services are available if you wish to improve, remove, excerpt, or otherwise enhance recorded content prior to distribution

Optional features

  • Receive electronic delivery of your Conference Recording in .mp3 or .wav format 
  • Make your call available for Dial-in Replay