When a Microsoft Teams meeting dial in couldn’t meet requirements for citizen engagement, this state government agency turned to Intellor.

Intellor Group

When the pandemic closed committee and hearing rooms, state and local governments required new ways to fulfill obligations to engage constituents. Many looked to internal Teams infrastructure, assuming it would suit evolving requirements.

But for some communities and communications, it fell short, leaving communicators to balance challenges, including:

  1. Internal stakeholders’ desire to use Teams – whether for video or simply familiarity
  2. CIO mandates to use Teams – to maximize organizational investments
  3. Addressing stakeholders across the digital divide
  4. Fulfilling legal obligations to provide toll-free telephone access
  5. Identifying external stakeholders by name or other criteria
  6. Limiting external stakeholder access to specific portions of meetings
  7. Providing – or restricting – external participants from engagement opportunities

While diverse challenges, diverse communications, and diverse communities mean one-size does not fit all, our latest case study shows how one state agency successfully delivered inclusive communications.

If you’re looking for help surmounting a Teams hurdle, talk to Intellor.

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