Intellorisms #6: Changing conferencing platforms without changing invite links

John Lovell

Picture this: you are organizing an important webinar for multiple audiences in various locations. You schedule your Zoom Webinar, send out your invitations…and then learn that a crucial partner can’t access the Zoom platform. Is your partner out of luck? Can you retract and replace your invitations? Will you lose attendees? Credibility?

Last minute conferencing platform change? No problem!

If you’ve scheduled with Intellor, you don’t have a problem to solve. We buffer the conference platform with our proprietary Event Management System (EMS). Sending our buffer link, rather than a direct link, means that whether your platform changes, your time shifts, or your capacity increases, your invitations don’t need to be changed. Just contact our team of scheduling experts and they’ll take care of it.

Save yourself the scramble by working with Intellor – the conferencing experts that Fortune 500 companies and Cabinet-level government agencies have trusted for more than two decades. If you’d like to manage your next high stakes conference without compromises, talk to us today.

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