Conferencing services: meeting moderation

Intellor expertise – honed across tens of thousands of meetings and webinars – helps enterprise and government organizations maximize conferencing impact. Meetings haven’t gotten easier over the past two years. Audiences are dispersed. Attendees are fatigued. Conferencing technologies have changed – and continue to do so, frequently, and substantively. When you’re organizing a meeting that […]

Intellor Multimedia: enhance and enable access to your meeting recordings

When you need to extend the reach and impact of critical information beyond a live event, Intellor is like having your own multimedia services team. Whether you’re conducting an earnings call, a training, or anything in between, your content may need to live on after the call or webinar concludes. While meeting recording is sometimes […]

Conferencing services: meeting configuration

Intellor helps enterprise and government organizations to maximize return on audio, video and web conferencing investments. As we begin pandemic year three, it’s with an abundance of conferencing resources at our disposal. Organizations have invested in products like Teams, Webex and Zoom, platforms for larger webcasts and virtual events, video hardware and software, and more. […]

Intellorisms: What if the wrong people join your webinar? What if the right people don’t?

Sometimes you need to know more about your audience to target your content. Sometimes you need to control who gains access to your content. Sometimes you need to nudge your registrants to convert them to attendees. Making your conferencing platform’s registration work – or working around its limitations – isn’t always easy. That’s where Intellor […]

Levelling up your conferencing in 2022

As 2021 rolls into 2022, one trend shows no sign of letting up any time soon: organizations will continue to rely on conferencing technologies to conduct critical business communications and deliver important messages to both internal and external audiences. So it’s reasonable to ask the question as the year draws to a close: how effectively […]

The event producer: Ally and advocate

As your Event Producer, I am a neutral third party, bringing calm and reason, thousands of hours of experience, and objectivity to your conference – whether your topic is day-to-day or difficult. My two primary functions are to serve as an ally to your speakers, providing best practices and insights as well as technical and […]

Intellorisms: Red light or red carpet?

We hope this new Intellorisms series (an Intellorism demonstrates a specific fulfillment of our mission to enable our customers to communicate effectively through audio, video and web conferencing) provides ideas for using conferencing to communicate more effectively. Our second Intellorism answers the question: When a select group of attendees needs pre-meeting access, am I stuck […]


Last year’s holiday season – along with the rest of the year – passed in a blur. There was no pause for reflection or gratitude; there was no pause at all. This year, we pause, and I’m privileged to share why so many of us are grateful to be part of Intellor. Because the past […]

Introducing the Intellorism

Merriam-Webster defines “ism” as a manner of action or behavior characteristic of a (specified) person or thing. An Intellorism, therefore, demonstrates a specific fulfillment of our mission to enable our customers to communicate effectively through audio, video and web conferencing. We’re pleased to launch this Intellorism series to both share stories that exemplify our mission […]

Maximize your investment in video meeting technologies

Since the pandemic has altered the way work gets done around the world, many large companies and agencies are going “all in” with their investments in video meeting technologies; 90% of North American businesses are likely to invest more in video conferencing technologies in 2022 according to IDC research. But along with these investments, organizations […]